Channel: ShoddyCast
Category: Gaming
Tags: escapist doomhonest trailers doomdoomrip and tearin the mind of: doomguydoom 4austin science doomshoddycast doomknee-deep in the deaddoom sountrackdevils advocateking j. grim doomduumbgame theory doomnick robinson doomwhy is doom (2016) so awesome?!doom loremarkiplier doomcyberdemonking j. grimraycevickthe brilliance of doom's soundtrackbfg sciencethe act man doomzero punctuation doomdoom review
Description: SUPPORT our channel on Patreon ► Every YouTube Channel needs a good, old-fashioned villain. Welcome to a new series I’m doing where I, definitely biasedly, defend video game villains as though I were their attorney. Be sure to argue against me down in the comments below, but be nice. This is all in good fun. I had a lot of fun making this show, and it’s something I’ve been working on off and on for over a year, but to see it finally have a solid episode is really exciting. DOOM may not be the most algorithmically-excellent franchise to choose, but 2016’s DOOM was one of my favorite games to come out that year. And as you can see from the camera shots, is way more gorgeous than it has any right to be. I wanted to do this topic, because, well, DOOM obviously really fits with the themes of the show, but also as soon as I was playing the game and they were like “yeah we’re extracting energy from Hell” I was like “OH BOY I CAN DO SOMETHING WITH THIS.” Also I just...adore Sameul Hayden, and any excuse to hear his voice more is *chef’s kiss* For those of you who spend time and watched the whole video, here’s the links you’re looking for: APPLY to be a Paranormal Lore Investigator ►► SUPPORT our channel on Patreon ► JOIN our discord ►► #TheDevilsAdvocate #DoomEternal #DoomLore